I saw video a few months ago. The first thing that caught my attention was that it doesn't look like it was shot underwater all - everything is so clear and colorful. It made me thinking that we, living in land is not much different from them under deep. Like these underwater creatures, we are also living in an ocean of air- our atmosphere. It make sense now to me now that the same as water pressure increase as we go deeper same as atmospheric pressure decreases as we go to higher altitudes. All because of gravity.
One more thought coming to mind while I watching the full BBC Life episode is about alien life. It seems that alien life from other planets might be more probable to look like these creatures in the deep (if you have seen the movie The Abyss great movie btw) rather than what we normally see in most sci-fi movies- a humanoid.
Just recently Cassini captured pictures of what appears to look like water vapor erupting from the surface of Enceladus. This supports more to the claims that liquid are under the water under the icy sheets of some solar system moons including Europa of Jupiter. And when there is liquid water, there is life- or at least that how it is on earth.
If you want to continue watching the full BBC documentary, see it from youtube links below: