Saturday, November 19, 2011

Portrait of a Lonely Universe

I didn't feel like posting anything the pass couple of days despite lots of new stuffs out there.  But today I'm thinking, blogs are not just about what we feel writing about but it can be about how we feel. Today I am lonely and  I think the universe feels the same.

 Sad Moon, with Venus, and Jupiter

Universe is vast, and mostly empty space.The immense distances of space are almost impossible for a human to grasp. The size of the solar system alone is incomprehensible (read from a previous log). Unlike measurements and descriptions we are used to. You can easily imagine 15 long boring hours sitting in an airplane, but try to imagine 214 lonely days in the isolation of space  if you are going to our next planet, Mars. Even the fastest spacecraft today would take more than 1,820 years to get to Proxima Centauri the next nearest star.

Long distance is getting longer.
This years winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded last October to a trio of astronomers for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe through observations of distant supernovae. This means that not only universe is mostly void but is also
continiously expanding the because of dark energy and evolving more and more toward loneliness. There will be a point in the future when we will not see anything in the sky and everything will end in frozen nothingness.

There is no one else out there to find.
While I believe that there are other forms of life aside from here on Earth. To think otherwise, goes againts the odds of probability- but still there is the lesser probability that life on Earth maybe just a freaky one time event in the universe. SETI have been scouring the skies for signals for decades now and still no indication of life anywhere. What if we really are alone in all this vastness? Isn't that a lonely universe to be in?

Scientists have been discovering new things out there like places they call Heart of darkness, and Lonely Galaxy (ESO 461-36),  more and more contributing to the case in point.

Like we refer to the Earth as the lonely planet the whole universe is a lonely universe too.

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