Monday, June 4, 2012

Transit of Venus

This coming Wednesday, Venus will be posting between the Sun and the Earth for astronomers and enthusiasts to watch and photograph a once-in-a-lifetime event. The alignment of venus is an event that will not happen again for another 105 years, that's in 2117.

During this event, Venus will pass directly in front of the sun as we will see it from earth, appearing as a small moving black dot like this:

To the most of us who does not have the luxury of big telescopes, we can use a pair of binoculars, meduim range telescopes, or  telephoto lenses(400mm and above). Again be careful not to stare directly at the sun without a proper solar filter(welders glass or eclipse shades) due to risk of blindness or painful, permanent eye damage. Or a safer option is watching it on a number of websites who will broadcast it live including

So, here are the schedules for Manila viewers all hoping for clear skies.

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