Sunday, January 20, 2013

We are All Aliens

OMG! According to this DNA test, humans are our ancient cousins..

Back in the days when MTV was more popular than Youtube, Moby was singing “We are Made of Stars”. And although I was not completely unaware of the meaning at that time, I found it interesting that mainstream science ideas was catching up with mainstream music of that time. This just came in a flashback because today I just read something that reminds me of the phrase, “We are all Aliens”. I first heard it back during the buzz about Martian asteroids fallen to Earth with traces of what seemed like primitive carbon life forms, which, if I recollect correctly, was later recanted by NASA. (what seemed like biggest conspiracy cover up. Haha) This would have supported theories that life on Earth did not originate from Earth, but elsewhere in the Universe.

Panspermia is a hypothesis that life on Earth has been seeded by falling bodies from outer space (meteors, asteroids, comets et al). Although it has fascinated public imagination over the years now it has not gained popular support for the scientific community. It owes its unpopularity maybe due to lack of evidence or maybe due to racism over its proponent- Chandra Wickramasinghe. Nope just kiddin’. Haha

Well unpopularity-due-to-lack-of-evidence may end now for Panspermia, as Chandra himself (now Director of the 'Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology) discovered that a two-inch wide meteorite that crash landed in a fireball in central Sri Lanka last December has tiny fossils of algae, similar to the kind found in our seaweeds. And while skeptics say the rock had probably become contaminated with algae fossils from Earth, Chandra maintains it saying that “The algae organisms are similar to ones found in Earth fossils, but the rock also has other organisms we have not identified.”

Not only that these would prove Panspermia, it would add proof that we are not alone the universe, and not that there are probably aliens out there but we may share the same cosmic ancestry (see wiki).

So, we are all aliens! Now, let’s wait for someone to make a song about that too.

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